October 17, 2023 @ 05:00 PM
CareerNAV - a unique opportunity for women to intentionally connect with inclusive workplaces in a fun, informal way.
WIT // HSV in partnership with UAH Career Services present CareerNAV - a unique opportunity for women to intentionally connect with inclusive workplaces in a fun, informal way.
Are you ready to embark on a transformative career experience? The WIT // HSV CareerNAV event is your compass to navigate the path of success, bringing together trailblazing women and inclusive workplaces in an electrifying fusion of workshops, networking, and speed dating!
This is your chance to meet with companies actively looking to recruit women talent across all facets of their business. Additionally, enjoy a free headshot session in the GigaParts Photo Booth.
Come join us on October 17th, 2023 at the Invention to Innovation Center (I2C) - UAH. RSVP required. Limited seating. Food and drinks will be provided during the event. ID's required for wine and beer.
WIT // HSV events are always free and inclusive, embracing women from all backgrounds. We not only celebrate diversity but also serve as a driving force for meaningful change.
5:00 pm - Check-in / Networking
5:30 pm - AMP Studio Workshops - EmpowHER: Unleash Your Influence with Action-Based Strategies - Laura Huckabee Jennings (Transcend) + Elevate Your Journey: The Transformative Benefits of Mindfulness for Career Women – Mental Wellness Workshop – Rachel Sullivan (Solid Ground Counseling Center)
7:00 pm onwards - Job Speed Dating / Recruiter Meet and Greet / Networking / Headshots booth
Accenture, ADTRAN, AWG, Booz Allen, CACI, COLSA, Deloitte, GigaParts, Intuitive, Integration Innovation Inc, Northrop Grumman, SAIC, SRC, Signalink and more....
1. EmpowHER: Unleash Your Influence with Action-Based Strategies presented by Laura Huckabee Jennings (CEO, Transcend)
2. Elevate Your Journey: The Transformative Benefits of Mindfulness for Career Women – Mental Wellness Workshop presented by Rachel Sullivan (Solid Ground Counseling Center)
Interested in being a WIT // HSV Mentor? Sign up today!
Interested in being a WIT // HSV Mentee? Sign up today!
Interested in joining our community? Sign up today!
Contact wit-hsv@uah.edu